Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Quilts at the Creek 2015 - Sunbonnet Sue Edition

July 19  - Quilts at the Creek, Pioneer Village

This summer is absolutely flying by and I've been meaning to post about this year's Quilts at the Creek. I missed it last year and was absolutely determined to make it this year. Of course this year it was nearly 40'C with humidity and cooperation from the boys Still, I was SO glad that I went and as usual I took SO many pictures! So I've decided to post in segments. One of my favourite quilts got the most attention so it gets its own post. So many pictures! I love Sunbonnet Sue. I have only the vaguest of ideas on how to make this sort of quilt but it's on my quilting bucket list for when I have the time and attention span to make one. Looking at it now I wish I had taken MORE pictures! Each and every square deserved attention. (the boys were fighting by this point though so I'll take what I can get!) My favourite is the scuba diving Sue...and the surfing Sue....and the tobogganing Sue with her little Cat :)

1 comment:

Knit and Purl Mama said...

That's some quilt! Love all the little details.